
Crazy Hugging Lady is back!

Monday, September 27, 2010

Breaking Up is Hard To Do

To My Dearest Beloved Doctor Office Scale,

We've been having this affair for a little over 34 years now. Together we have experienced many ups and downs. It wasn't until the last year or so that I discovered that this relationship is very one sided. I put in a lot of effort, sacrifice and determination to our affair and have never demanded much in return from you. There must be give and take in every relationship. However, what I need from you is a little more taking and not as much giving. I started keeping a close tab on you these last few weeks hoping to see that you could be trusted. However, I discovered that I am not the only woman in your life. Even more appalling is that you are lying to all the other women as well. I was wrong to depend on you so much and I can now see that you are a liar and will never change. As much as I hate to end things between us I am left with no choice. I cannot put up with your lying and selfishness. As much as I hate to end our relationship in such a public manner I felt it my duty so other women would not fall victim to you as I did.

With a very heavy heart (pun intended)


Friday, September 24, 2010

The Treasure in being sick

As many of you know I have been (and still am) sick. I finally went to the doctor last night and got a shot and three medications. However, I had an allergic reaction to "something" and broke out in hives. Last night I was (and still am) swollen. Finding a common theme here? I still AM sick.

I literally cannot move much because I ache so much. So I decided to go through a bunch of pictures. Drawers and drawers of pictures. I found "treasures" of photos of my four kids from birth to current age, photos of me with my sister, my cousins, grandma and grandpa and even my mom. I posted a few on Facebook so all of you can laugh and smile with me.

Pictures are worth a thousand words but in this case I am speechless. Treasures in these photos for sure.

I'm out (aka back to bed)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Daughter

I know I have no followers and those who do look at my blog also are my friends at church and facebook. But, I wouldn't be a great mom if I didn't brag on my daughter.

She came home yesterday BURSTING through the door to let us know that she needed a 99 on her calculus test to maintain her A grade. She was the ONLY one to get a 100% on the test. She was overflowing with happiness. I am overflowing with joy and thankfulness to the Lord! She is a blessing and never ceases to amaze me.

Anyway...she had her paper from her Counselor. She is ranked 11th out of 259 students!!! Apparently, they now base GPA on a 5.0 scale not a 4.0 scale. She is maintaining a 99.73% GPA. I am just amazed. God is so faithful to answer my prayers for her and my boys. I am so proud of her and praying that she will be able to make it into the Top 10 (good for college grants!) I can't believe she is graduating!

So, as you all know, I brag on her so much and as you can see, she is well deserving!

I'm out

God can do anything

Duh, right? It sounds so simple. We say it all the time. "God can do anything" or "God has the power to do (enter thing or phrase)". The problem comes when those are just words. Faith is nothing without true belief. A belief that begins in the heart and therefore makes an outward appearance of true faith.

A year ago my husband told me he was praying that I would find my way back to God and to my marriage. He told me God has the power. I told him he was stupid. Literally, to his face, I told him he was stupid. However, for nearly a year he never stopped praying, being faithful, loving, compassionate, patient and most of all believing. He truly believed God would heal me and our marriage, and He did. I say all of this not to boast about how awesome my husband is (although he is pretty awesome), and not to show that I am a fantastic woman for coming back to the Lord and my marriage. I come as proof that God CAN do anything. We know this, we read this, we see examples every day. He has the power to do anything.

Getting down to the point...my fellow sister in Christ, Jadon's step-mom and also my friend, Catherine, has been diagnosed with cancer. She is 12 weeks pregnant. This is a time when the words "God can do anything" can't be just words. They are based upon a heart that truly believes that God can and WILL do a miracle work in this situation, just as He did in me. For the longest time I attributed my ability to get along with my ex-husband, his wife Catherine, Patrick's ex-wife, Kim and her husband Josh, as my friendly, loving nature. I just recently discovered it isn't me at all, it's God. He gives ALL of us the ability to loving get along. It is God being portrayed in our actions and our love for one another. I am proud to call Catherine my friend and I am honored to support her through her battle. A battle which God is in control of and I believe he will show his power. I ask you to please be praying for Ron, Catherine, their kids and the child that she is carrying. 

In all situations of life, be them big or small, God has the power to do anything. The bible says He is faithful to answer our prayers. However, our prayers have to be spoken with a heart that truly believes. It's that faith that God honors.

I'm out.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Fresh Starts

Its September 3rd which only means one thing....less than 1 week until the NFL season begins. WooHoo!

As the second week of school concludes I have been so thankful for all of you who prayed for Luke. This is his first year in school, a big kindergartner. His first few days were, so-so, but he did MUCH better this week. So, thanks to everyone but mostly to God for answering those prayers and really comforting me when I was not able to control the situation. It's so like us as humans, right? Especially moms but I am trying hard to relinquish all the control to God and realize none of it is in my power. Things usually go more smoothly when he is in control anyway. LOL!

Jadon's first football game was last Saturday. They played Kennedale whom was the superbowl champions from last season. We forced a double overtime and only lost by a two point conversion so we played hard. Nothing to hang heads over for sure. They got a solid team this year. Jadon is a starting cornerback and plays occasional offense as well. This is his first year on defense.

Cole and Luke are well into practices for Fall Baseball. Season starts next week so we are eager to see how they both play.

Bryden turns 17 this Sunday. SEVENTEEN! I can't believe my precious girl is that old but what a gift of God. When I had her at 16 I messed a few things up but as always, God turned it around to be used for his glory. I am proud, her dad is proud, her family is proud~

Thanks to my friend, Jennifer for keeping me motivated to be at the gym this week. Next week we are hitting it hard and going to start lunges and cardio more upscale. I'm looking forward to it.

Please be in prayer for my husband and the other men of South Burleson Baptist Church as they pray about the opportunity to partake in a missions trip to Mexico. They will be leaving the week after Christmas and building a house for a needy family. This is purely funded by our church members and God. Patrick is considering going and we are praying to God for his direction.

Okay, everyone enjoy labor day. Spend time with family and remember to thank the Lord for what you have. It's not ours, he lends it to us.

I'm out.

Friday, August 13, 2010

What's Up People?

Well Hello Blogging World~

It's been a while but alas, here I am. Nice to be back and I know others are glad I'm back blogging again.

The family is doing well. I decided to quit my job and stay home with all the kids. That was a hard choice to give up my career but I have already seen the benefits of it and the way God has used this for good to my family. School is about to start up again, Bryden is beginning her Senior year and also taking college classes at Hill College. She is the Senior Editor of the year book staff and is really excited for the opportunity and challenge. Jadon will begin 3rd grade and is playing football this fall. Cole is beginning the 2nd grade and playing Coach Pitch baseball. Luke is starting KINDERGARTEN! I can't believe those words were typed. He is getting so big. Yep, kindergarten for Luke and he'll play his second season of T-ball.

I'll keep you updated at things pop up, which in this family is often!